Updated results:
Our by far most used result is the regular bar chart. But we have also made facelifts to Toplist, Leaderboard & Bubble chart.
Participant event rating:
We are pleased to introduce event evaluation through participant ratings, allowing feedback in the form of a 0-5 star rating and text comments. This feature has been integrated into our base templates and will be available on all new projects.
To enable participant ratings, simply toggle the "Event Rating" option from the control panel. Participants will then receive a pop-up modal prompting them to rate the event.
The average rating will be displayed on the dashboard and in our new, more comprehensive analytics tools, providing valuable insights into event performance.
Project rating:
In order to further improve we have implemented a rating system for projects as well. PLEASE rate your projects and comment. This is so valuable for us!
The rating will show up automatically when you access dashboard after a projects live session time has expired.
Upload files:
As a last step in improving filehandeling we have made big improvements to file upload. We can now offer a very fast upload speed to our servers. You will also see the progress of your upload & how much time that is remaining. Actually you can even pause your upload if you temporarily need your bandwidth for other purposes.