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Video meeting

Experience seamless video meetings with Twebcast's Emeet

Elevate your event experiences with Twebcast's video meeting feature called Emeet.

Designed to cater to any event setup - whether you're hosting a hybrid or online event, our platform ensures smooth and intuitive interactions. Discover the perfect video meeting setup for your needs:

Webinar: Controlled and interactive

Let your moderators take full control of your video meeting with our Webinar setup. As the moderator, you decide who gets broadcasted, ensuring a professional experience. Participants can easily raise their hands to signal their interest in speaking, creating an interactive and organized environment.

  • Moderator Control: Decide who speaks and when.
  • Raise Hand Feature: Participants can request to speak.
  • Professional and Structured: Ideal for formal presentations and panel

Auto join: Instant and inclusive

Our Auto join setup ensures that every participant is automatically broadcasted as soon as they join the meeting. This setup fosters a more inclusive and spontaneous atmosphere, perfect for collaborative sessions and open discussions.

  • Automatic Broadcasting: No need for manual control.
  • Inclusive Participation: Everyone gets a chance to be heard.

Audience wall: Visual and immersive

Create a visually engaging experience with our Audience Wall setup. Participants join an audience wall where their video streams are displayed, enhancing the sense of community and connection. This setup is perfect for large events where audience interaction is key.

  • Video Stream Wall: See all participants at a glance.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Foster a sense of community.
  • Visually Impactful: Ideal for large conferences and interactive events.


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Video meeting

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