Today when people talk about hybrid events they mean combined physical and digital events. We also see an increasing demand for other types of combinations such as streamed content and video meetings (Web-RTC based) at the same time. At Twebcast we call it E-meet. This is a powerful solution to solve various problems.
Today this is the new hybrid event. For example it’s common to have the main program from a studio broadcasted with a normal stream and the breakouts / workshops via E-meet. This makes the main program easy to access. Twebcast also offers solutions to have speakers or panelists to access the studio part with E-meet and then restream the broadcast to the all other participants.
We think that in the future we will combine not only these two techniques but also add the physical part of the event again. We also believe that it will be an absolute matter of course for almost any event to have the possibility to take part remotely on the same terms. Not only because people work remotely much more but also travel will decrease due to environmental impact. Hybrid events are here to stay!
The problems and benefits with the different techniques from an event perspective:
Conventional streaming
The benefits of a conventional stream is however the better image quality, browser compatibility and no firewall issues.
Web-RTC is a different protocol that needs access to specific ports through firewalls.