Event start-up


  • Name of the event
  • Brandbook
  • Date of the “live” event (how many days)
  • How long does the event have to be accessible online
  • Participant limit (how many should be able to register)
  • Short link ex; twebcast.com/xxx (this will be the link you send out to your participants, the same link you will use as event code in the app to find your specific event)
  • Event image (the image displayed in the app and registration confirmation, see picture below)
  • Event description (if you want a description for your event in the app, see picture below)

  • Text in registration confirmation email
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Event agreement:

  • Personal data contact person
  • Responsible instance (company)
  • How long we will save the data after the event (default 14 days)
  • Purpose (Why we gather the data for the event)


  • What information would you like to collect from the participant?
  • Ex: First name, last name, role, company, allergies etc
  • Email - default (identifier if not anonymous event)
  • What information should be required and not.

(See registration demo here)

Landing slide

  • What content do you want the participant to see once they are logged in and registered.


  • Countdown
  • Welcome text
  • Button lobby with following
    - Agenda
    - FAQ
    - Contact

(Se one example here)